Friday, January 29, 2010

Resisting Temptation

Resisting temptation has turned out to be my Achilles Heel! I get so caught up in the moment that all my better judgment becomes challenged and my passion and over come my actions! Most of us know when we are in the moment, that the direction of our behavior or any given situation is taking a so so wrong turn!But we just move on forward anyway out of pure emotional adrenaline rush! It is these impulses that that stimulate our bad decision making! Not foreign to impulse buying or compulsive eating!
My suggestion folks is to step back from the situation. Just sit still and quiet for a minute! Don't allow anything or anyone rush into doing something without giving it complete thought. That time is critical in your making poor judgment or getting into potentially dangerous situations! Remember the next time you might be deciding on life or death! Both figuratively and literally!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Who Them Cap Fit! Let Them Wear It!

Nothing hurts more than putting all your trust in someone feeling like you've been betrayed! My people I have been on this road to self actualization. So through my journey of self-discovery. I have been analyzing my behavior. Excepting it good or bad and working on it! But I also have notice the quirks of others around me and peoples behavior in general! The one thing I have come away with is: Nothing is truly personal! We personalize peoples actions! Why he do this to me!? How come nothing goes my way!? People are just people folks! If someone else was in your exact position at that exact time and place! He would've did it to them too! So don't take on unnecessary baggage! We all go through hell in life! That's kind of the point! Grow from every experience in life! I always say life is like a stairs we walk them in different orders but it's the same staircase.

So in closing when you look at people. If he's a liar in your life! Trust me he's a liar in someone else's too! If he's a snake to you! He is slithering past others! If he's hating on you! Trust me there's no exclusivity to his hatred! People are who the are until they want to be better or do better! Don't eternalize folks behavior making yourself crazy! Lighten your load and free up some space in your mind and heart! It truly is what it is!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Loyalty Can Be Like A. Knife in Your Back!

Have you ever been loyal to someone only to find out the person you have allegiance to is you enemy or using you for what you have to offer at the time. What about those who you put your trust in? That turn on you for those who have forsaken you. Then there are those praise the lord God sent you to me Profits. Who turn out to be snakes and demons in disguise. You are blinded by the game because of who the messenger is. You see the messenger comes in the form of family, friend or lover. Allowing you to let down your guard.

Folks if it seems to good to be true most times it is! Every Sunny Day was proceeded by Stormy Weather. I don't suggest you go through life being jaded or guarded. But don't go through life with rose colored glasses either. Be aware of your surroundings Pay attention to those indicators. Most importantly never fear to question ones motives. Only the quilty will protest to much!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Stormy Weather

In life we get warnings about the storms ahead! But sometimes we ignore the warnings. Focusing on those Sunny Days. Although we are equipped with the knowledge and gear to get through any storm. We sometimes allow winds turbulence and storm clouds detour us off the road of our true path in life.

In life we must stay focused keep your eye on the prize. Be Leary of detours and bumps in the road. It may knock you of course to your true destiny! Folks stay true to yourself and beliefs no matter what life throws your way!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I am starting the New Year Right! Please come to me in peace love and prosperity! I shall do the same! Life is what you make it! So Live

Thursday, January 7, 2010

A New Path

It's a New Year! So we try to start with a clean slate! But some people just don't understand the meaning of New! If you have people in your life today who want to continue behaviors and ideologies of Yester Year! Don't disrupt your flow! Continue on your path! It will lead you to your destiny and become a maze for those who don't have your back!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Change Is Good!!

I have recently come to the realization that people will always pigeon hole you into being who they want you to be. Especially who you were when they first met you. Although years even decades have past, they come back into your life with the same game, same sound track and same lifestyle! No matter what you have been through or accomplished, they're only willing to see you for the person they need you to be to complete them. You have to evolve in life because evolution is inevitable. If you don't grow you die! Imagine your body staying in infant form but your organs age and grow change? You'd eventually die a painful death. Same holds true in your thought process and the way you live your life. What worked for you at 12 holds no value at 22 like wise 22 to 42 and so on. Folks don't let people stunt your growth. Be all you can be Metamorphosis into that butterfly. Become the true you.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!! May this year be blissfully blessed, motivating, and Prosperous! Let's learn from last years learning experiences. Remember folks there are no mistakes in life just learning experiences! Take from them what you need!